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Trainset M500

Main presentation

The Sprague-Thomson was conceived in 1908 by the synthesis of already-existing systems. Beginning in 1907, the CMP was constructing metallic stock. The motrices 500 (motor cars) formed the first series of Sprague-Thomson, which was referred to familiarly as simply “Sprague”. The cars were constructed entirely of metal and had two motors.

engine referred to as a “grande loge” is M500 and associated cars are Bb170 for 2nd class and Ab167 for 1st class.

Period when this set appears is 1908 to 1930


Icon Name Caracteristics
M500 payload=20, speed=45, power=750, gear=105, weight=10, cost=120000, runningcost=90, intro_year=1908, intro_month=1, retire_year=1930, retire_month=12
Bb170 payload=30, speed=45, weight=8, cost=80000, runningcost=50, intro_year=1908, intro_month=1, retire_year=1930, retire_month=12
Ab167 payload=40, speed=45, weight=8, cost=80000, runningcost=50, intro_year=1908, intro_month=1, retire_year=1930, retire_month=12


Trainset on underground station

Trainset is coming into underground station