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French trucks

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Truck sets

Name Progress Notes Author Available Download
Willeme 610 “Nez de Requin” (Shark's nose) set progression90.jpg Including semi tractor Willeme 610 and its trailers.
info page
May need Bernard “Télévision” set or just its tractor.
Gwalch 1952-1962 willeme_610_all.pak
Bernard “télévision” (TV) set progression90.jpg Including semi tractor Bernard TDA 180.35, its trailers and the truck Bernard 26 DA 8 P180
May need Saviem SM set (or just its tractor) and Berliet Centaure set (or just its tractor)
Gwalch 1961-1980
pack Berliet GLR8” progressionover.jpg the truck and trailer to transport the following property:
coal,goods , meat ,oil,car,cement,milk,wood,mail
information coming soon
Eric 1952-1962