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Goods of pak128

This is the list of pak128's goods. To make a vehicle which can transport a good type so several goods (bulk for example can take coal, iron ore, sand, stone, etc …) you just have to use the name of one of these goods in the parameter freight. Most of the time Kohle (coal) is used for the vehicle to transport all bulk goods. Same for fluids'vehicles : you just have to use “Oel†to make the vehicle transport oil, chemicals, fuel, ethanol.

internal name Category Metric Description Weight per unit Value Speed bonus
Passagiere passengers 85 14 18
Post mails 50 16 15
Kohle 2 ton coal 1000 32 0
Eisenerz ton iron ore 1000 32 0
Stone ton stone 1000 32 0
Sand ton sand 1000 34 0
fertilizer ton fertilisant (natural …) 1000 37 2
waste ton waste 1000 39 0
goods_ 1 palett piece goods 250 45 15
Bucher palett books 900 50 8
Moebel palett furniture 300 50 8
electronics palett electronic pieces 300 55 15
textile palett textiles 250 45 12
canned_food palett canned food 1100 40 3
flour ton flour 1000 40 3
glass palett glass 1300 45 2
beer palett beer 800 50 8
Plastik ton plastic 1000 40 4
Papier ton paper 1000 30 5
cotton bag cotton 200 40 0
wool bag wool 250 45 2
Stahl ton steel 1000 25 2
Holz 6 ton wood 1000 50 0
Bretter ton planks 1000 40 2
Oel 3 m3 oil 900 35 0
Gasoline m3 fuel 860 40 4
Ethanol m3 ethanol 780 53 6
Chemicals m3 chemicals 700 40 8
Autos cars 1800 170 15
Cement ton cement 1000 40 5
Concrete ton concrete 1000 80 10
meat 4 ton meat 1000 50 18
fish ton fish 1000 45 15
food palett dishes 300 70 18
milk 5 m3 milk 1000 50 15
grain 7 bag grain 300 35 5
corn bag corn 350 40 3
UraniumOre 2 ton uranium ore 1000 165 5
Uranium ton uranium 1000 250 10