[[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]] ====== Depots ====== ===== Graphics ===== Depots are built on a way extremity so they have only four pictures with the icon and the cursor. This is the graphical pattern : {{ fr:tuto:dat:tramedepot.png }}The .dat file pattern : icon= > image.0.4\\ cursor=image.0.5\\ dims=1,1,4\\ frontimage[0][0][0][0][0]=image.0.1\\ frontimage[1][0][0][0][0]=image.0.0\\ frontimage[2][0][0][0][0]=image.0.3\\ frontimage[3][0][0][0][0]=image.0.2 Here there are only frontimages because depots are most of the time pictures seen above a way and a vehicle, but it's possible to use backimages. The parameter dims is here since depots are buildings. ===== Essential parameters ===== |**Parameter ** |**Description ** |**Content ** |**Example ** | |obj |object type |building || |type |building type |depot || |[[en:tutowaytype|waytype]] |way type |internal name |maglev_track | |name |name |text |magnetic_depot_SNFOS_2003 | |intro_year |introduction year |number |2003 | |intro_month |introduction month |number |1 | |retire_year |retire year |number |2080 | |retire_month |retire month |number |1 | |copyright |name of the creator |text |Gauthier | |NoInfo |don't display a window when click on the object \\ This does not prevent convoy building window from displaying ! |boolean |1 | |noconstruction |don't display the construction picture |boolean |0 | [[en:tutomakeobj3#objects|Come back to objects]]